Thursday, June 12, 2008

McLoving it!

Who would have thought following two words could be found in a same sentence:

1) McDonalds™ and Love
2) Subway™ and Pizza
3) Me and MBA-grad

None the less McDonalds marketing slogan is "i'm lovin' it". Subway, which is a major sub chain in North America, has recently added 90 second pizzas to their menu (maybe they should also think of changing their brand to Sub + Pizza way = SuPway). And, YOU GUESSED IT: I’ve graduated from the Ivey MBA! Big Yay for George!!!

It has been a challenging year with its fair share of ups and downs, lots of learning not only about variety of business topics but more importantly about myself. Comparing MBA to my undergraduate experience I’m tempted to say that the undergraduate degree in Computer Engineering taught me how to research a narrow topic in-depth while MBA taught me how to think broadly about business problems.

Lots of people ask me if I’m happy about my decision to pursue the Ivey MBA and if I had a chance to go back would I still do it. The answer is resounding YES! Now let me elaborate a little bit about what I mean, it will also help to explain the ups and downs that I’ve mentioned in passing above. Interesting nature about Ivey is that it stretches you to the limit and then some, and that’s what really helps to build your capacity to succeed. Not only does it do that, it also trains you to think like a good manager by looking at problems broadly.

Combination of a case teaching method and large number of brilliant professors has been two real highlights about my experience at Ivey. Cases are real situations that managers are faced with in their everyday activities. It trains you to recognize patters of problems analyze those situations systematically and act accordingly to resolve them. After a year of Ivey it feels like you’ve been in a management role for at least 5 years based on the number of management problems that you’ve seen and collaborated as a team to resolve.

As anticipated, it turned out to be one expensive year. The final number is hovering close to a cool $95,000 including living expenses and an optional trip to China, and excluding lost wages. I’ve also told my family to forget buying me a watch as a graduation present and instead to get me a sturdy helmet to safeguard my head which now officially is the most expensive asset that I own!

The other day I was pondering a question whether I could have lasted another year if Ivey still had a two year MBA program? The answer is a simple NO. First of all my finances are stretched to the limit with the one year MBA. Second, going back to life of student has been fun for the first 4 months, but I’d like to go back to having an income, rather than just living off student loans. Finally, talking to alumni from the two year program it sounds like it was fairly tough to keep the same level of focus on education over the span of two years.

I want to thank everybody for following the blog over my year at Ivey. One last part of my Ivey experience that I want to share with you is the whole career search process at Ivey. I’m planning to write it once I accept a job offer.



Arun Shiam Kumar Rajamohan said...

Hey George,
I’ve been following your Blog for quite sometime and it feels great to learn that you’ve graduated.

Hearty Congratulations!!!

I would be attending the Ivey MBA starting May 2009 and am totally excited about it.

And Good luck on your job hunt...

--Arun Shiam Kumar Rajamohan

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your successful completion of your Ivey MBA :)

Just browsing through Blogs by MBA students and came across yours. Hope to get some learnings from it in future.

Anupam, PR Head,

George Kesselman said...

Arun and Anupam, Thanks for your comments. I'm glad that you found this blog useful.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations George, I'm glad you made it :D

Chris said...

Hi George,
Congrats again, and I'll be eager to hear how the job search works out. The Spring'09 cohort are gearing up for our first 24hr report tomorrow. You are proof that we'll make it out alive!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on being finished, but did this get you a job?

Anonymous said...

I'd also be interested in how your job search went...